
Equity & Funding

The SS25 Organising Committee are committed to making the SS25 conference as inclusive and accessible a gathering as possible. This we are seeking to do in several ways.


We have sought to represent diverse members of our community amongst our invited colleagues. Our plenary speakers include Robyn Ober, Indigenous researcher in Indigenous education from Batchelor Institute, and Annelies Kusters, deaf colleague working in deaf sociolinguistics – the first time a disability scholar is an invited speaker to this mainstream conference. 

Our invited colloquia include themes encompassing the Global South, Australian Aboriginal English, non-modern sociolinguistics, and gender and sexuality.

We also aim to offer support to enhance SS25 opportunities for Early Career and Global South scholars – see section on Early Career and Global South scholars below.

Hybrid platform

We are also taking on the challenge of hosting SS25 as a hybrid event, so as to accommodate, to the extent possible, scholars who are unable to travel to attend in person, whether for financial, logistical, or other reasons, and to help make the participation in international sociolinguistic exchange available to them.

Equally important is the fact that SS25 is offering virtual attendance as an option for those who, mindful of our current climate emergency, are choosing to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid contributing to aviation emissions. This also comprises our commitment to a more sustainable future.

As most will be well aware, the hosting of a hybrid conference entails a significantly greater expense than a fully in-person one. We appeal to your understanding and support. This is not only with regard to conference fees (which we are still aiming to keep as reasonable as possible), but also to the organisation and scheduling of online parts of the meeting. We ask for your patience with technical challenges during the conference, and for your welcome of and support for those joining us online.

Early Career and Global South scholars

SS25 – and our plenary speakers – are committed to supporting the participation of Early Career and Global South scholars, through specific events and through funding.

Networking event for Early Career and Global South scholars

SS25 and the Forrest Research Foundation are pleased to co-host a networking event for Early Career and Global South scholars, hosted at Forrest Hall.

Further details to follow soon.

SS25 Early Career & Global South Researcher Grants

Curtin University’s DVC Research portfolio are offering support for Early Career and Global South Researchers in the form of funding several conference grants. The grants will cover return travel (most economical means) and accommodation during the conference period (up to 5 nights). The conference fee will be waived.

Preference will be given to applicants who:

To apply, please complete the SS25 Curtin DVCR ECR & GS Conference Grant Application Form [Download here] and email to by the due date Wednesday 31 January 2024.

Student applicants must also submit a supporting letter from the applicant’s research supervisor, including a statement indicating that the applicant complies with the criteria.

Assessment of Applications:
Applications for conference grants will be assessed by a sub-committee of SS25. Applicants will be selected on the basis of demonstrated need and the quality of the application. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified as soon as possible.

Forrest Research Foundation Prize for Best Early Career abstract/presentation

Further details to follow soon.



Thank you to our sponsors

Event Supporter

Welcome Reception Sponsor